Grow into yourself

Spring has sprung!  This is my favorite time of year.  Not only are the days getting longer, but there is so much beauty with the trees blossoming back to life.  Spring is a turning point in nature from the darker days of winter to a springing forth of growth and re-emergence of life. This spark of life longs to grow and manifest into the fullest experience of itself.  But there is a period of risk anytime something undergoes a growth period. If you want to evolve and develop you have to take new challenges and allow yourself to feel vulnerable. It's easier to feel safe and protected, but that just leads to more of the same.  For real growth to occur we must go out on a limb to find the fruit.

Even our spiritual growth and development can feel vulnerable if we don't feel the support and safety of our practice.  Think of your practices as a safe harbor that you can anchor into in times of rough seas. Our spiritual path is like a boat that is meant to go on adventurous explorations. The more we can rely on what provides a save haven, the more we can give ourselves permission to go explore.  We are not meant to stay stuck in the safe zone.  There is a deep desire to discover our highest nature. It takes courage to rise to the challenge and leave the shore. The risk is worth it. Enjoy your adventure of becoming more of yourself.

Please click the link below to listen to my newest recording on how to safe enough to take a risk and grow.