“The moment you meet Kristen it’s clear she emanates and inspires wellness, wholeness, and connection. Wisdom seeps unimpeded through her words as a tangible presence. Her playful, lighthearted demeanor puts you at ease even when sharing your deepest secrets and challenges. Sitting in a circle with Kristen is like being transported to a space beyond time to an ecstatic and electric world of pure potential and sisterhood when your path unfurls before you. As a powerful shamanic guide on the path of self-realization, self-love awakening, and transformation, she gracefully employs a multiplicity of skills including astrology, storytelling, ritual, yoga, tarot, craft, and mysticism to empower you to see your fullest light and potential. With her guidance, I’ve become conscious of the universal nature of my soul’s path and the optimal flow of my work and relationships proffered by the cosmos.
About Kristen
Kristen is a soul guide and astral interpreter who helps her clients navigate the life journey of their soul’s awakening and unfolding.
As a cosmic way-shower, Kristen helps you to trust your inner guidance system to know your soul purpose and navigate your soul path. She is an ordained priestess of Avalon with several years of study in esoteric astrology, Earth-based wisdom, and holding ceremonial space.
Kristen is dedicated to being of service to people in realizing their own nature and discovering the collective heart and spirit that we all share. She offers teachings on astrology, Earth rhythms, and esoteric wisdom in ways that are understandable, practical, and deeply felt at a soul level.
People who have worked with her have stated they feel personally connected to and aware of how the Mystery is embodied in their everyday lives. Her clients have benefited from increased clarity, empowerment, authenticity, and sovereignty in knowing their soul purpose.
Kristen is the founder of Sacred Life Circle and Embodied Mystery School and is a High Priestess of Avalon in the lineage of Awakening Avalon Temple. She offers astrology readings, soul guidance sessions, online programs, new moon nature walks, women's circles, and an initiatory priestess path.
Celebrate the Rituals of Life
Kristen is an initiated and ordained priestess with several years of study in esoteric astrology and Earth-based wisdom. In this role, she assists others to express their most authentic selves through all the cycles of their life.
Kristen’s deepest passion and gift are in facilitating healing sister circles and ritual circles to encourage women to listen, feel, connect, and express their intuition and heart. The women that have attended her circles have experienced profound and powerful transformations from being in a sisterhood that compassionately supports each other while encouraging and collaborating with each other to grow.