Can you say "Wow!?"

When was the last time you felt astonished?

Too often we go through life on auto pilot and aren't aware of how fascinating life really is. If you take a moment and reflect on it, isn't it amazing how complex and brilliant life is? The very idea that we are breathing, thinking and living at all is incredible.

The texts of yoga discuss that when we are in a state of awe, the divine is experiencing itself through us. Supreme consciousness is so vast, so complex, that we can not experience it all at once. In order for the divine to know itself even more fully, it must forget itself by becoming us. In those "ah-ha" moments, is when our divinity is revealing itself.

Most of the time, though, we forget. We forget our true nature. We forget how auspicious life is. But there is a deep intrinsic desire in all of us to reveal the highest. During this time of year we celebrate the abundance and splendor of life. The more we can take time to savor and appreciate, the more chances we have to awaken fully. We naturally create these opportunities by opening ourselves into a state of awe and appreciation.

"Wisdom begins in wonder" ~Socrates

I invite you to enjoy this newest recording about how we co-create with the divine everytime we see the world with wonder

Unleash your wild child

Why are we always so serious?  Sometimes in life we are so wrapped up in our obligations, jobs and responsibilities that we forget that we are also supposed to play.  Deep inside of us is a wild child longing to get out and joyfully experience life.  The life energy within you is meant to play with exuberance - to blissfully experience the fullness of being alive. Why do we always hold back that part of ourselves?

Today in class we discuss how our true nature is made of pure bliss. The more we allow ourselves to follow our bliss, the more we feel completely alive.

Loosen up your collar and listen in this recording of how to unleash your wild side.

Turn "should do" into "want to"

So how is that "to do" list of yours doing? Does it seem never ending? How does that affect you? If you are anything like me, it doesn’t make you feel very free. More than likely your obligations of “must do’s” and “should do’s” make you feel stuck.

When you instead allow your work to come from a place of choice, then the chore becomes less of an obligation, and more of a way of showing your freedom.

We are born free. Because of that free will, we make choices. When those choices feel like obligations, we forget our innate freedom. What if instead you think of those duties as a way of enhancing your life in some way?  Wouldn’t that make you feel more free? When you think of WHY you have these chores, then you get your freedom back, because ultimately you have a choice whether or not you choose to take care of them.

Please enjoy today's recorded introduction on why your chores are a choice. You may just find how much freedom you have in your life after all.

Chaos and intrinsic order

What if I told you that chaos has intrinsic order to it?  Most of us think of these concepts as opposites.

We often equate chaos as a state of disorder and randomness.   What if it really was the fertile foundation from what all else arrises?  Chaos theory defines chaos as non linear, apparently random events that are actually predictable and measurable.  These apparently random events seem chaotic primarily because we don't have the ability to see and predict their outcome - but that doesn't mean they don't have order to them.

"All great changes are preceded by chaos." Deepak Chopra

Chaos is necessary for new beginnings. It is the generative force of the universe, where everything emerges from and makes way for what ever is possible to come next.  The universe has inherent order to it. There are many examples in nature of these patterns. Just because we can not detect the order, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

If you are going through a time that is unpredictable and uncertain, listen to how there is inherent order in the universe to support what is next to become.

If you are flexible, you adapt

How can we find equilibrium when life is asyncronistic?  So many forces pull us out of our comfort zone. It's hard to get back in touch with your natural rhythm.

Here I talk about a great experiment where there were over 30 metronomes on a fixed platform, all moving at different rates and speeds.  They stayed asynchronized from each other for a very long time.  It wasn't until the platform they were on was allowed to move freely that all of the metronomes starting to work together in sync.  The movement of one affected the movement of all until after only two minutes they all moved as one.

We too are like this.  When we allow ourselves to be flexible, and move with the forces around us, we come back into harmonized balance with everything else.

Please enjoy this recording from my class last year.  The solar flares are over, but youstill might remember the feeling of how they burned.

The story of Virabhadra tells us how to be courageous for Love

Virabhadra is a mythical character that represents the part of us that is willing to fight for love.  In yoga we use these stories to tell a greater truth that connects us all.  As you listen, pay attention to the characters in the story that resonate with you. Their stories often reveals an aspect of ourself that is not always apparent. You are every character in the story.

This is a story of Divine love and the obstacles we have in our path to remember our highest nature.  We must have courage to be a warrior of love.

Please enjoy this class recording on how to stand up for life and come into deeper connection with our divine nature.